Monday, October 12, 2015

Shining Lights

This morning I came across a Bible verse I've read many, many times. In the book of Matthew, Chapter 5, Jesus says: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.
I've always loved this verse, but today it made me really stop and think. Am I a "shining light" in my daily life? No matter what I'm doing or where I am, can anyone else see that I'm being a "light for the Lord"?
I believe as Christians we are supposed to be different from the world. Even though we cannot earn our way into Heaven, if we are true followers of Jesus Christ we will want to live for Him, and act in ways He would want us to act. My understanding is this means in ALL we do, say, and think. So whether I'm in the grocery store, at a ballgame, or with family and friends I need to be a shining light for the Lord in all my actions and words. Not always easy in today's world, but something I truly believe I should do. May I strive to be a light each day, no matter who I'm with or what I'm doing. After all, I may reach even one person who needs that special light.


Susan Marlene said...

Oh Patti Jo! This is a super nice post! We need to stop and think...but not just think about this one. We need to apply it too. Beth Ziarnik has a good post too. One about taking out the garbage!You would like it though. Thanks for shining on my day! Blessings in abundance! :)

CatMom said...

Thanks for stopping by, sweet Sue! Your comments are always a blessing to me. :)
I will plan to look at Beth's post.
Sending a warm hug to you today! :)